Why An AC Might Run Without Cooling The House


In many cases, if an air conditioner (AC) runs but doesn't cool, the problem is usually relatively simple. For example, an incorrectly set thermostat, dirty air filter, or poor air circulation around the compressor can cause such problems. You can solve such issues with DIY solutions. Sometimes, the problem is more serious than that and requires professional intervention.

Below are causes of inadequate cooling that require professional solutions.

Refrigerant Leakage

The AC cools your house because the refrigerant absorbs heat inside and dumps it outside. The refrigerant volume or pressure determines how much heat the AC can transfer. Thus, refrigerant leakage leads to impaired cooling because the system cannot absorb as much heat as before.

Causes of refrigerant leakage include accidental damage to refrigerant lines, corrosion, and wear and tear. You need an AC contractor to diagnose the leakage place, plug it, and recharge the refrigerant.

Duct Leakage or Blockage

Supply ducts carry fresh and cool air from the AC to different parts of the house, producing cool air that lowers the house's temperature. Anything that blocks airflow to the target areas lowers the AC's cooling efficiency.

For example, your home might not get adequate cool air if duct holes or cracks leak fresh air. Pests, corrosion, and air pressure are some of the things that cause duct damage. Damage that crushes the ductwork also restricts airflow and leads to the same problem. A contractor should asses the duct pressure, identify the leaks or blockages, and fix the airflow.

Condenser Damage

The AC condenser is the unit outside the house. The condenser releases the refrigerant's heat into the environment, cooling the refrigerant and sending it back into the house to pick up more heat. If something hampers the heat exchange, the refrigerant won't cool or absorb further heat from the house.

Poor air circulation or condenser coil clogging can hamper heat exchange. However, damage to the condenser coils also causes the same problem. The damage reduces the surface area, blocking heat exchange and hindering airflow. Contact a contractor to determine whether to repair or replace the condenser.

Solving such impaired cooling issues requires correct diagnosis. Contact an AC contractor to evaluate the system so they can fix the real issue. Otherwise, the AC will strain to cool the house, use more energy than it should, and experience accelerated wear and tear. In short, prompt intervention will save you a lot of heartache later.

Reach out to an air conditioning system technician for more information. 


28 June 2023

Getting Help With Your Troubled Air Conditioner

Does your air conditioner smell, make loads of extra noise, or fail to cool your home? If you have noticed any of these problems, there might be issues with your air conditioning unit. Fortunately, you don't have to let a bum system make your home stuffy and uncomfortable. Professional heating ventilation and air conditioning contractors can snap your AC unit into shape in no time. By carefully checking your condenser and evaluating your refrigerant levels, the experts might be able to dramatically improve the cooling capacity of your home unit. Read here to find out how to spot problems before they make your space uncomfortable.